Most Emotional zodiac sign

There are 12 zodiac signs, and each has a full chart that describes your personality, and the way you represent yourself. The moon sign usually represents your emotions, but the sun sign is your star sign. It is influenced by your day and month of birth. Water signs are known to be the most sensitive, and perhaps most emotional zodiac signs: they are Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio.

Although, they are other emotional zodiac signs that follows this category. I believe we are all emotional in our own way, some are good in hiding it, while some are not. We should embrace our emotions, and be able to express them totally. Concealing emotions can have a negative effect on a person, and the people around them. Research has shown that people who hide their emotions suffer from anxiety and other unhealthy issues. For this reason, is best to express our feelings to people around us, it can be scary to be vulnerable, but it’s healthy.

These are the 5 most emotional zodiac signs:

1. Cancer (June 21-July 22):

Are they really cry baby? I don’t believe so. Well, they are certainly the most emotional zodiac sign, and prolly cry over some heated argument or romance movie. But they are stronger than you think, their empathetic nature makes them feel the pain of others close to them. Cancerian is a complex individual, who struggles with moodiness, manipulative behavior and pessimistic thoughts. How can someone live that way? The right response is, everyone has their weaknesses. And it doesn’t define us, it makes us more meticulous.

2. Pisces (February 19-March 20):

Pisces are the most sensitive sign, they are intuitive, and feel very deeply. They are the most tolerant, and selfless people. I’ve met a lot Pisces, and they were very expressive, genuine and will do anything to make people around them happy. Their sensitive nature makes it hard for them to forgive, and forget. Hence is difficult to be around this sign if you’re unsympathetic, and aloof.

Scorpio Zodiac sign

3. Scorpio (October 23-November 21):

Scorpio is hypersensitive, and can be easily overwhelmed over little things. As a result, this makes them one of the most emotional zodiac signs. Their passionate, and intense personality can be over the top sometimes. This is one zodiac sign i butt head with, but we always find a middle ground to every disagreement.

I love Scorpios, i’m drawn to them like a butterfly is drawn to a nectar plant. My daughter is Scorpio, my rising sign is actually in Scorpio, isn’t that intriguing? I’m a Leo by the way, the fearless queen, or queen of the world. Or whatever we are labeled nowadays. Nonetheless, Scorpios are also intuitive, and a mind reader, how do they do that? Still a mystery.

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4. Virgo(August 23- September 22):

If there is anyone who is detail-oriented, and extremely careful, is a Virgo! They are very practical, and obsessed with organizing everything perfectly. They are the definition of perfection, no one can beat that. Virgos are deep and sensitive; this makes them very emotional. So, they feel everything you say, but very good in hiding their feelings. Virgos are so guarded that you can’t penetrate through those walls unless they let you. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you or have feelings. They just need time to trust you before letting you in.

Libra Zodiac sign - pic by DarkworkX

5. Libra (September 23- October 23):

Libras are so sweet, kind and sensual. My best buddies are Libras, they are very understanding and fun to hang out with. Still, no one is as indecisive as a Libra, they can’t make up their mind about anything. This indecisive feeling makes them upset, and hurt very easily. Libra is a love sign, they love to love and being loved in return, nothing else gives them more satisfaction. They dream of having a big wedding, and live happily ever after with their true love.

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