Foods for weight loss

It’s no secret that some food can contribute to weight loss, your body shape, and health. There are certain foods that store fat in your body, these foods are difficult to digest, hence leads to weight increase. But there is a choice to control what you put in your body, the types of food to eat, and when to eat it.

It’s proven that eating too late, especially two hours before your bed time increase your chance of gaining more weight. Not to mention, the digestive system doesn’t have enough time to digest this food. For this reason, gastroparesis may occur. Gastroparesis is a state in which food stay in your stomach longer than usual. So, is best to eat 3 to 4 hours before your bed time.

These are the top 7 best foods that can keep you in shape, and are great for weight loss if you continuously maintain this diet.

1. Vegetables:

Vegetables such as beets, carrot, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower also provide fibers, and very helpful to maintain body shape. Daily in-take is essential, because it helps balance our diet. I usually take some for dinner, mostly with fish or lean meat.

2. Beans & Peas:

Beans & peas contain fibers and proteins, and they are also referred to as pulses. Study shows that foods that contain pulses has led to higher weight loss than those that did not contain pulses. However, beans or peas contain soluble fiber, and that may interfere with absorption and digestion by slowing it down. Thus, it’s advisable to eat small quantity of pulses.

3. Fruits:

Fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, bananas, avocados, apples and oranges are rich in fiber, hence they promote weight loss. Avocado produce healthy fat, and fiber, and it has been used for weight loss supplements and drinks. Strawberries are also very effective for weight loss, because it’s high in fiber. I usually have strawberries and blueberries smoothie in the morning, a cup each. Two cups provide 12g of fibers, and that’s 48% value of fibers that we need each day.

Best foods for weight loss

4. Oatmeal:

I have friends that prefer to eat cereal than oatmeal, I guess because it’s thirst better, I’m not sure why. But I do know that oatmeal is so much better and healthier, and here is why. Oatmeal, and cereal has the same number of calories, but oatmeal contains more fiber, protein and less sugar. So, if you usually eat cereal for breakfast, now is the time to change to oatmeal.

5. Yogurt:

Yogurt can help you lose some weight and fat in your waistline. It’s great for breakfast. You can mix it with fruits like strawberries, and blueberries, it’s delicious! Yogurt is healthy, it contains potassium, vitamins, calcium, riboflavin, and magnesium.

6. Eggs:

Eggs are great for weight loss, and to maintain body shape. It’s preferable to eat eggs for breakfast, because it makes you full and less hungry after some hours. There was a study among few men that showed the effect of eggs and sandwiches, those who eat eggs in the morning were less hungry after a few hours than those who eat sandwiches. In other words, eggs increase fullness and makes you eat less. It’s healthy, delicious, and it helps to balance insulin and blood sugar levels.

Eggs for weight loss

7. Chicken:

Chicken is a good choice for lunch, and it keeps you full. It’s rich in protein, which is also great for weight loss. It can be prepared in different ways, if you must use oil, I recommend healthy oils like coconut, and extra virgin olive oil. Low-fat protein contributes to muscle growth, and can be found in chicken breast. Chicken provides potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, vitamin B3, and B complex. These minerals, and vitamins can help maintain healthy cells.

For a smoothie diet weight loss, i highly recommend “The Smoothie Diet” 21 days weight loss program.

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