Scorpio man

Playing games can be annoying and frustrating for certain people, not everyone tolerates it, or takes pleasure in it. If you are on this page, you’re probably in love with a Scorpio or captivated by one. I know, they have that charm, magnetism and charisma. They can light up the room even with their dark sense of humor. In a room full of people, Scorpio is usually the type that sit in the corner of the room, quietly observing everyone, including the pretty girl he admires and intend to seduce.

He knows how to get what he wants, and will do anything it takes to lure her in and capture her heart. However, don’t let his gentle and calm nature fool you, he is stubborn as a mule and inflexible.


If you are probing about his behavior lately, especially after he just professed his love to you, and promised you heaven on earth. And now he is nowhere to be found. Don’t rush to conclusion, his wacko behavior is mostly for these reasons;

He’s confused, and he needs sometime to think:

Scorpio is emotionally precarious, and his mood changes from time to time. He’s probably in love with you, and needs to be certain if you are the right person before he completely lets you in. The reason being that, it takes time for him to commit. But once he commits, he does for good and will be loyal to you. So, give him time, and space to think about what he wants.

He’s busy with work:

This may surprise you, but Scorpios are not multitasker. They like to focus on one thing at a time, and may not have time for other things. It doesn’t mean you are not important to him; it just means he has other priorities he needs to handle. He is a hard worker, and likes to work. For this reason, he may be involved in some work project, and has a deadline to complete this project. Then again, reach out to him and let him know you miss him and would like to meet up sometime soon.

He’s playing you:

Scorpios are master manipulator; he derives pleasure from playing with your emotions. He may even have a girlfriend, and just passing time with you. If he ghosted and no where to be found, and you can’t reach him on the phone or any social platform, then he’s probably done with you. And, he is in a hunt for his next prey.

Scorpio man

He’s insecure, and playing a game:

Scorpios are insecure, and have difficulty trusting anyone. If he is silent, and stop communicating, he is definitely waiting for you to reach out to him. It’s just a strategy to ascertain if you are really into him, and the only way to achieve this is to stop all communications with you. I think that’s immature, why would a grown up act this way?
One minute he’s professing how much he loves you, and how he can’t wait to spend his life with you. And the next day, he doesn’t try to reach out to you or even respond to your messages?

He is obviously playing a game to notice how you react, how calm and strong you are. Don’t play the games with him. Tell him how you feel about his frivolous behavior. Relationship is about love, respect, understanding and unity, not about control, lies and deceit. Don’t succumb to his manipulations, the whole point of his game is to sting you and push you to a limit where you can’t take it anymore.

These men are predictable, they never change their games, is always the same pattern. This can be boring to some women. While some find it mysterious, keeps them engrossed and longing for more.
Additionally, there are two ‘kinds’ of Scorpio you should be aware of; The evolved and the unevolved, know the difference in case you are in a relationship with one. The unevolved Scorpio is aggressive, impatient, insecure, jealous, and are risk takers. He is the type that falls in love with you in January, and wants to get married in march. He is fun, lively, but will easily end things with you the moment he finds you less interesting, and waggish.

Whereas the evolved Scorpio is more in control of his feelings. He is patient, a little insecure, a bit jealous and doesn’t show it, calm, and not a risk taker. Practically, it takes a long time for him to get committed in a relationship, and he’s afraid of taking risk that will affect his future.

Making promises he can’t fulfill:

This is also part of his game to lure you in, and day dream about some future that may never come true. He is persistent, selfish, and all he can think about at that moment is satisfying his own needs. Presumably he is making unrealistic promises to 5 different women at the same thing.
When he comes on too strong, or being too pushy, don’t believe a word he says until he proves it. Just like the saying “Actions speaks louder than words”.


Not all Scorpios are bad, there are some good ones. He is human, so he has his strengths, and weaknesses. He can be affectionate, patient, protective, loyal, and a great provider. Sometimes, the good surpasses the bad. If you truly love him, you should be able to accept him totally and help him work on his flaws.

He will definitely come around when he feels secure and ready to let you in, but be certain he is on the same page with you, so you don’t waste your time waiting for him. Also, you must be aware that his sun sign doesn’t represent his emotions, or how he conducts himself in a relationship.
So, read about Natal Chart, and see what each planet represents.

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