Geminis are mysterious individuals with different personalities, keeping a Gemini man interested can be a little difficult. They are mainly described as quiet, charming and smart people. Some describe them to be a talkative, genius, aggressive, and dangerous. They may be right, depends on the personality you are dealing with, they are very skilled in hiding some of these bad qualities. However, these negative traits don’t make them bad, it just makes them human. 

Exhibiting their bad behavior all depends on how they are treated, and how their mood changes. Although, I do think compatibility plays a major role when in a relationship with a Gemini. You must understand that astrology is very broad, how they behave can’t be based on the Sun sign.

The moon sign which shows their emotions needs to be considered, the mercury sign which represent how they communicate, and most importantly the Venus sign which shows how they act when they are in love.

I won’t go into details of these planet, you can read more of the full chart here

Here are 6 ways to keep a Gemini man interested;

Study him:

The best approach is to know who he is, his personality. Figure out who he is by spending more time with him, asking questions about his past and future plans. Learn to be observant about when his mood changes, if both of his personalities are fun, gentle, and nice. Or just a part of him, and if that’s the case, give him space when he becomes sad, or aggressive. Do not fight, or argue with him.

Give him space:

Generally speaking, its best to give men space from time to time. Although, Gemini men needs it more because of their air sign, they crave for space to think, work and spend time with friends and family. So, if you are the clingy type, then is best to stay away from this man because he needs his alone time. It’s actually very healthy to give your man space, he will always come back to you when he misses you. He doesn’t like controlling, and pushy woman, he will feel smothered and probably distance himself from such woman.

Gemini man in suit

Be Independent:

Independent woman is a turn on for this man, a woman who takes care of her business, and doesn’t depend on him for every penny. He can be generous and supportive, but he usually does when fully committed to you. Nevertheless, you should show him you can take care of yourself, and that you have great plans for the future. He loves ambitious, and intelligent women. Someone he can have intellectual, and outstanding conversation with, because he’s very witty and wants to impress you with his sense of humor.

Be patient:

You need lots of patience and tolerance to be with a Gemini man. He has mood swings, and two personalities that you have to deal with. One day he is full of life, and wants to have fun with you, and another day he’s down and doesn’t even want to talk to you. This is out of his control; he tends to understand himself more, and takes control of his emotions as he gets older. So, he needs a woman who understands him, and will be patient with him.


The good news is, Gemini likes to communicate and can be a talkative. He is glued to conversationalist, someone who doesn’t get bored to converse with him, and listen to him. So is easy to resolve any misunderstandings with this man because you can easily communicate with him, and tell him how you feel. Although, he is not always in the mood to talk all day. It’s best to figure out when he is in a good mood, and then table what you have in mind, he will be willing to work on it with you. Ask him for his opinion about something important to you, he loves that, he will be excited to jump in.

Gemini astrology photo

Be spontaneous:

Geminis are spontaneous, they don’t like to stick to plans or schedules, and they usually make last minute plans. He will get bored after a while if you are not spontaneous, and can’t keep up with him. He loves to travel, adventures, and lots of fun. There is never a dull moment with him, he will try everything and anything with you, so be prepared to get spoiled.


Gemini man is persistent.  So, it’s sensible to be direct and open about what you want from the on-set, and don’t play games. Be outspoken about your feelings, and how it affects your relationship, keeping to oneself is unhealthy and can cause you to stray in no time.

Furthermore, spend as much time as you can with him, and give him space when he needs it, it makes things balance between the both of you. Try not to be suspicious when he wants to be alone, there is absolutely nothing wrong with him needing space, accusing him unnecessarily will only push him away. He is not confrontational, so be more trusting and try to avoid fights and arguments, he will be comfortable and happy with you if you do.

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