He's Interested in you
Image by Anastasiya Lobanov
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I’ve come to realized that people seek for different things in a relationship, some seek for companionship, while some seek for friendship and growth. However, both set of individuals are driven by love and usually seek for ‘Love’ before everything else.

How to Know he’s invested in you?

Now take note; “A man doesn’t fall in love with you because of sex, he falls in love with you if he spends time with you often and if he’s invested in the relationship”. Popular misconception most women have about men falling in love, thinking constantly having sex with a man will open his heart and make him fall in love with them, but it doesn’t work that way. The same reason applies to men who will easily walk away from a relationship, someone who is really invested in you/relationship will find it challenging to exit. He’s not going anywhere if he puts so much time, energy and finances in you.

Now here’s how to know he’s truly invested in you;

1. Communication

Communication is the key element to a successful relationship, hence someone who is invested in you will find time to communicate with you regularly. How often does your SO communicates with you? If he reaches out to you once or twice a week, he’s definitely not invested in the relationship. Although, every relationship is unique and different, thence communication vary based on the expectation of both people involved in a relationship. However, someone who is truly interested in you and invested in a relationship should communicate with you on a daily basis.

He's Interested in you
Image by Klaus Nielsen

2. Dates

Does your significant other take you out on dates? How often does he do it? The more he takes you out on dates, the more time he spends with you and the more money he spends on you. Yeah, I wrote ‘Money’, which is crucial while dating, and I’m not in support of splitting bills on the first date, second, or third date.

Let him show you how he treats his woman, before you chip in and offer to assist. Let him always pay for dates if he asked you out, that’s how you know he’s invested in you. Why split the bill if he doesn’t indicate to go Dutch? If he knows the rules of dating etiquette, and he’s worth your time, he will definitely treat you like a lady who deserve to be cared for.

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3. Understands your Love Language

If you haven’t read ‘The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman’, now is the time to do so. Knowing your love language and your partners love language makes relationship go smoothly. According to Gary Chapman, we have a primary love language. Studies showed it might be linked to our childhood and upbringings.

For instance, if your parents showed you little or no affection, you may seek physical touch and this can be your primary language. Nonetheless, it can also be the reverse; If your parents showered you with lots of gifts, you may seek receiving gifts as your primary love language. That being said, someone who is interested in your love language, understands it and puts effort in implementing it, is really invested in you.

4. Supportive

Being supportive can be view in different perspective, it could be emotional support, affirmation support, and tangible support. Does your partner support you? Make you feel safe and loved? This imperative, and if he does, how does he support you? Someone who supports you, will stand by you when you need him and will be your biggest cheerleader. Most importantly, he shows you how he will assist you in areas you need comfort or aid, not tell you. Instead of telling you “Don’t worry, everything will be fine”, he shows up to make sure you are ok and assist you with what you need.

5. Available

The busiest person in the world still finds time for who he loves, you will know he’s invested in the relationship with how much time he spends with you. How available is your SO? If he’s only available on a specific day, and finds it difficult to be there for you, then that’s a red flag. Also, is he emotionally available? Being emotionally and physically available shows he wants something real. Someone who is really into you will adjust his schedule for you, and will be excited to spend time with you and show you off to his friends and family.

Image by Anastasia Shuraeva

6. He makes plans for the future

If he makes future plans with you, then is a good sign that he is invested in the relationship. Most men want just fun and casual dating, they are never really involved or make any future plans with you. Unless casual dating is what you want, you shouldn’t entertain such men because they will never invest in you. Only a gentleman will date with intention and purpose and has a long-term goal in mind. It takes effort to have this kind of conversation, discussing the future with you shows he’s not a loser and he intend to be with you for the long haul.

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