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Heart break can be very excruciating, the idea of watching someone you love so much leave in the blink of an eye, and sometimes with no explanation can be depressing. You wonder what you ever did to deserve such treatment. Breakup is tough, especially if you were heavily invested in the relationship. Some never recover from it, or give a chance to someone else. But it shouldn’t be that way, the wrong man can come into your life to break you emotionally and mentally, but it’s up to you to pick up the pieces and put them back together. Don’t let him win, you are strong enough to completely get over him, and let someone else in.

This article will disclose 9 easy ways to get over heartbreak

1. Keep yourself busy:

This is very effective way to gradually forget about your ex. Keeping your mind busy will make it occupied from having appalling thoughts, it doesn’t erase the pain completely but it helps. Staying idle would make things worse, and increase the chance of falling into depression. Maintain your usual work schedule, request for a new project at work to increase work load, that would keep you busier. Nonetheless, if you’re into your own business, now is the time to get more clients, more deals and focus on achieving better goals in your career.

2. Work-out Often:

Working-out is healthy for your body and mind; It helps your brain eliminate chemicals that make you agitated, and physically and emotionally stressed. Thence, exercising on a regular basis will decrease the chance of you feeling down and hurt. It doesn’t have to be at the gym, it may be a long walk, run, or some yoga routine you can do at home.

3. Outing with friends:

Having a nice time with your friends is a great distraction, may be not a permanent one, but it will definitely help to ease the pain and make you relax. A night out is fun, but there are other activities you can do too. Going out to the movies, a park, and for a swim is also fun.

Heart break
Image by Omar Lopez

4. Spend more time with your family:

Nobody understand what you go through more than your family, they are always there for you no matter what. You can spend some time, and talk about the issue with them. Talking to someone about the problem is part of the healing process, deflecting from it will cause you more pain. Your family are there to listen, and won’t judge you for choosing the wrong man. Nonetheless, it also depends on the kind of relationship you have with your family, there should be someone you confide in the most and he/she will be very supportive at this time.

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5. Get rid of everything that reminds you of him:

It’s difficult to heal fast if you still have things that reminds you of your ex, the sight or smell of those things will easily affect your mood and get you hurt all over again. So, get rid of everything, it could be pictures, clothes, and some other items. You can send all items back to him, and digital pictures could be deleted. It will take you longer to heal if you decide to keep these things, and may cause you more pain.

6. Cut off all communications with him:

This is a crucial step and a quick way to get over heart break, it should be the first thing you do in other for you to move on. There is a possibility of you getting back together with him if you keep reaching out to him, and a greater possibility to break up again without rectifying the cause of the issue in the first place. Cease communication with him on social media, on the phone, emails and every other means of communications. Do not contact him no matter how tempting it may be, the earlier you stop reaching out, the earlier you will get over him.

7. Take a Trip:

This is the most relaxing and fun way to get over a heart break. Take a nice trip to your favorite destination, and do the things you enjoy the most. It’s sensible and more fun if you travel with a friend or friends, there’s more stuff to do together. However, travelling alone is not a bad idea. I have travelled alone when going through a heart break, and I visited so many tourist destinations.

I did some writing, photography and also went for dancing. It was fun, and very relaxing. At the end of the trip, I learned more about myself and what I want for my future. Therefore, traveling alone shouldn’t be a challenge, it should be an adventure to explore new places and find the new you.

Heart break
Image by Westwind Air

8. Get a Rebound:

This is not really a healthy way to get over a heart break, but it’s very effective. Meeting someone new for a causal dating can help create new memories, and give you an exciting feeling. The whole point of getting over a heart break is to feel alive again, and be happy within yourself. Although, you should achieve that goal yourself, there’s nothing wrong with a little help. It’s like taking Tylenol for a headache, I know it’s not a fair comparison. My point is that a rebound could help you heal and make you feel good again if you meet the right person.

9. Be firm with your decision:

When you make a decision to break up due to incompatibility, lack of commitment or other unforeseen issues, you should be firm with your decision. Going back to him without resolving the issues, or without him making any effort to be better will make him lose respect for you, and worsen the situation. Thus, keep your distance, cut off communication and stick to your decision.


It takes time to completely heal from a heart break, but these tips can help you heal faster if you strictly follow them and you are serious about letting him go. Break up can be unexpected, and it can mentally break you if you let it. So, get busy by working, and workout as much as you can because it will help in your recovering.

It can be so tempting to reach out to him, but ask your self these questions before you do; Are we compatible? Does he truly love me? Will he be ready to work on our differences and treat me better? If you are not sure of these answers, move on with your life, there’s a better man out there for you that will truly love you and treat you better.

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