First date shouldn’t be taken for granted; first impression matters a lot. Perceiving how important first date is, will make you have more successful dates, and meet someone special who wants to be in a relationship with you. I have heard people complain how they never get a call or even a text after their first date, and they felt so bad about it. Finding out the secret of a successful date will prepare you for a great first date, and a chance of meeting and keeping your one true love.

Here are the 8 Secret to a successful First Date:

1. Dress your best

Wearing the right outfit can brighten your evening, and put a smile on your date’s face. Dress classy, exposing your body on the first date doesn’t send the right message, you can still look sexy without exposing your body. Thence, dress to impressive and try to be comfortable in whatever outfit you put on.

Image by Anna Itonishvili

2. Communication

Most people look forward to great conversation on their first date, it’s actually more interesting to them than your physical appearance. It all depends on individual, men mostly look forward to physical appearance, chemistry and how you present yourself. Whereas, most women seek for chemistry, great conversation and compatibility. I think everyone enjoys a great conversation, it makes a date livelier and fun.

3. Flirt with your date

Flirting with your date is a way of conveying that you like him and interested in him. He will be flattered, and get more comfortable with you. You can flirt by smiling with your eyes, touching your hair, and give him a little compliment. These shouldn’t be overdone, be relaxed and natural.

4. Laugh at his Jokes

News flash, men like to be funny! It gives them this inner satisfaction that they could put a smile on their significant other’s face by making some jokes. If you really like him and interested to see him more, try to laugh at his jokes, that’s one way to his heart.

First date
Image by Matheus Ferrero

5. Order reasonable

A gentleman will never let you pay for a date, especially the first date. His goal that night is to impress you, and make you long for more at the end of the evening. You shouldn’t order unreasonable because you think he can afford it. If you must order whatever you want, you should intend to split the bill with him. Ordering very expensive dish and drinks is one way to push him away, and there won’t be a second date if he’s afraid he can’t afford to pay for it.

6. Don’t get Drunk

Drinking some wine or cocktail lightens the atmosphere, calms the nerves and make you more comfortable and a chit chatter. Now, too much of it can ruin things. You may end up sharing too much details, and revealing things that shouldn’t come up on the first date. Someone understanding won’t judge you, but he will try to end the night early and ensure you get home safe. Nevertheless, you could get hurt if you are with the wrong person. For that reason, you shouldn’t drink too much and lose control of yourself.

7. Kiss him at the end of the date

Kissing at the end of the date is not a must, just go with the flow. If there’s a chemistry between you two, and you really fancy him and want to see him again, kissing him is not such a bad idea. Men usually expect a kiss at the end of the date, they long for it and they feel bad when it doesn’t happen. Although, a gentleman doesn’t read meaning to it, he understands and wish he gets a kiss on the next date.

First date
Image by Gustavo Fring

8. Send him a message

The proper thing to do after a date, is to send a “Thank you” message. This signifies how appreciated and grateful you are, and it makes him happy that you had a good time. Telling him how you enjoyed the evening, and how fun it was is a way of saying you like him and would like to see him again. It takes courage, some effort for someone to ask you and take you on a date, a little appreciation would be nice regardless if you intend to see him again or not.


To have a successful first date, follow these tips “to a T”. Dress to impress and be prepared for an intelligent conversation because most people value that more than a pretty face. Despite the outcome of the date, be nice and appreciate him for making an effort to ensure you enjoy your day/evening. First date is very crucial because is the beginning of a relationship that could turn out great, and lead to a lifetime commitment in the future.

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