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It’s conspicuous when someone is really interested in you, although most men are skilled in concealing it until they are certain you are really into them. Being timid, and afraid of rejection can make someone to hide his feelings.

Women feel the same way, especially those that are traditional, they anticipate men to be forward about their feelings. Patiently waiting until their crush is ready to profess their love to them. And if that doesn’t transpire, such feelings fade eventually and they may lose their one true love because of such deportment.

In this article, I will disclose how you can tell if he’s interested in you. It doesn’t matter how shy or how busy he is, you will be able to realize how much he wants you.

1. He’s Excited to see you:

You recollect that butterfly feelings you have when you see someone you like, or have a crush on? That’s the same way he feels when he sees you. The excitement is undeniable, it’s obvious he’s thrilled to spend time with you. Someone who is not pleased to be with you, won’t be engaging in a conversation with you. And he will be in a haste to go back to other activities that he finds fascinating.

2. He’s Fixated at you when you converse:

When he likes you, conversing with you is something he wants to do often, and he makes eye contact when he does it. Sometimes is uncomfortable when he just stares at you, and you are wondering why he does that. Well, obviously because he likes you and he’s interested in you.

Image by Andrea Piacquadio

3. He laughs at your joke:

Do you make bad jokes? If you do, and he laughs at your jokes, then he’s completely into you. I remember I always laugh at everything my crush talks about, even when is not funny. It was embarrassing at some point, but I couldn’t help it. Anyway, he can’t stop smiling when he’s around, that’s how you know he’s really interested in you.

4. He’s a good listener:

He listens intently during a conversation with him, and he never interrupt until you are done. When you need someone to hearkens to your ideas, and for some advises, you go to him. Someone who is interested in you is very accessible to you, and provide you with the answers you need.

5. Always run to your rescue:

It’s rare to find a person you can rely on, and he will always be there when you need him. If he’s interested in you, he can’t say no to you. He wants to be there for you, and rescue you from any issues you are going through. Nevertheless, don’t take advantage of these good deeds if you don’t feel the same way. It’s sensible to be honest with him, and clarify things from the start.

6. Never misses your calls, and returns it if he does:

This is a good sign that he’s very into you, because some people don’t bother to return calls, sometimes they even forget and make up excuses later. This gentleman will always answer your calls, and ensure he never misses them. And if he does, he returns it immediately and will be curious about what you were calling about.

How to know he's Interested in you
Image Andrea Piacquadio

7. He tells you everything that goes on in his life:

He finds it hard to keep a secret from you if he’s interested in you, he would want to share everything with you. He might be skeptical about if he can trust you before he opens up to you. However, he will be willing to take the risk by telling you everything that goes on in his life, regardless of the consequences.

8. He tells his friends and family about you:

Informing his friends and family about you will be one of his priority if he’s interested in you, and if he has genuine intentions about your future together. If you’re already part of his friend’s circle, then it makes it easier for him because they are already familiar with you. Perhaps he’s just a friend to you, but his family knows he’s more than that to him. So, when he constantly talks to you about his family, and invite you there for some party or family dinner, then he is really into you.

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9. He tries to make you happy:

Cheering you up, and always trying to make you happy shows he is interested in you. There are days you are down, unhappy or just tired due to too much stress from work. He’s that person that will talk to you on the phone, and offer kind words that will put a smile on your face. Pleasing you gives him satisfaction, and that alone proves that he’s completely into you.


When he’s interested in you, you know. The signs are usually there, he expresses them by his actions, supports and words. Although, most men are shy and afraid of rejection, his deeds will show you that he’s really into you and wants to be with you. If you are curious about his intention towards you, watch out for these signs I elaborated above

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