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Sagittarius are known to be untamable; they love the freedom to do whatever they want, at their own convenience. Sagittarius get bored easily, always seeking for a new adventure and places to travel to. Most astrologers predict Sagittarius to be unsatisfied with one partner, and could have a lot of lovers in the future. This article is focused on both Sagittarius man and woman, they both possess same traits and these tips can be used to make both genders fall in love with you. And it also applies to both Sun and Venus signs.

Here are 7 tips to make a Sagittarius fall in love with you;

1. They have to choose you

Sagittarius can be really picky, and periodically they wait for the right person to come around before they dive into any relationship. They could causally date here and there, but they won’t fall in love or get committed to anyone until they find the right person. They enjoy being chased, they love the attention, however if you are not the one, you will be wasting your time chasing them. Sagittarius prefer to choose you; they are not afraid to go after what they want.

2. Genuine connection

Sagittarius seek for a genuine connection with their one true love, they won’t fall in love with you if they don’t have that genuine and mental connection with you. Having a real connection can be rare, is either it happens or it doesn’t. Thence, if it’s meant to be, the connection between you two will be undeniable.

Image by Alesia Kazantceva

3. Respect their private space

The quickest way to lose a Sagittarius is invading their private space, and being clingy. No zodiac sign loves their freedom more to pursue a new career, new adventure, or to spend time with friends and family. And the upside is, they give you the same freedom. So how does giving them space make them fall in love with you? Now, is not just about giving them space to do what they want, is about trusting that whatever they do in their own private time, they will be faithful to you. That trust brings them back to you every time, and make them fall in love with you like never before.

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4. Be adventurous

Sagittarius are intense individuals, extremely adventurous and active. You have to be able to keep up with them, before they could invest in you emotionally. They seek for someone who has the same interest as them, someone who loves to travel, loves adventure, and personal development. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, this planet is associated with growth, expansion, good fortune and luck. Thence, Sagittarius goal in life is to grow, expand and to continue to develop themselves by seeking for more knowledge and adventures. In other words, they want someone who has similar path as them, someone they can learn from and that inspires them in achieving their goals.

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5. Unconditional Love

Falling in love is magical, is a dream come true when you love someone who feels the same way as you do. Sagittarius seeks deeper than love, they seek for unconditional love. They want someone who love them for who they are, someone who accepts their flaws, uniqueness and whole package. They will fall in love with you faster if they notice you truly and genuinely love them. So, if you want a Sagittarius to fall in love with you, don’t try to change them or complain about their lifestyle, they will split if that happens. They can’t change anyway, is either you accept them for who they are, or you don’t.

6. Be Passionate

How passionate are you? I hope very passionate because that’s the easiest way for a Sagittarius to stay glued to you, and fall in love with you. The fire in them makes them very passionate, and intense. And they seek for such intensity and passion in someone they want to have a committed relationship with. They love romance, passionate sex, and they cherish someone who can express themselves passionately.

Image by Jeremy Bishop

7. Loyalty

Loyalty is the key for a Sagittarius to fall in love with you. Once they notice you are loyal, they will completely give themselves to you without much hesitation. A Sagittarian said to me “I want someone I can train, a good follower that’s loyal only to me”. Sounds like dog, doesn’t it? But that wasn’t what he meant. What he was trying to say was, a Sagittarius need someone that they can grow with, that understand them and will only be loyal to them. In return, they will give you their undivided attention, love and loyalty.  They may look very confident, and in control but they are afraid of falling love with someone who won’t stick around for a longtime.


Sagittarius is not some inconsistent, and unpredictable individual who is afraid of real relationship. They actually want true love more than any other zodiac sign; they are just way too picky and seek for a genuine connection.  They value loyalty above all, reason being they want their one true love to stick around through the bad and good times. They can’t be with someone controlling, it will push them way. Generally, fire signs are not into control freaks, and Sagittarius is not an exception. Trust them, and respect their private space, and they will fall in love with you in no time.

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