Image by Cottonbro

Cellulite can be unpleasant, and eliminating it can be impossible for most people. This article will disclose some tips on how to get rid of cellulite.
What is cellulite? Cellulite is the dimpled flesh found in the thigh area, buttock, hips and it’s developed when fatty tissue deep in the skin comes up against connective tissue. Study shows that over 85 percent of women 21 years and older have cellulite.
What are the causes of cellulite? There are different causes of cellulite, and these are; Weight gain, hormones, genetics, poor diet, lack of exercise, unhealthy lifestyle and pregnancy. Cellulite caused by pregnancy usually fade after you lose your post-partum weight.

Here are 7 healthy ways to get rid of cellulite;

1. Eat more raw foods:

Eating raw foods like fresh vegetables can help remove your cellulite. There are other healthy raw foods that you can include in your diets that could help to lose some weight, hence get rid of the cellulite. These raw foods are rich in nutrients and vitamins, and they include; Salad, raw fruits, dried fruits, raw nuts, seaweeds, coconut oil and other natural foods.

Image by Oleg Magni

2. Workout Often:

We know what exercise do to our body; I wrote some benefits of working-out in one of my articles. Toning your body eliminate body fat, and that could eliminate cellulite from your body. There are some specific exercises that is very effective in building muscles and that could get rid of cellulite quickly if is done properly. Goblets squats, burpees, single-leg deadlifts, single-leg hip supine extension, cycling, running, walking, split squats, and squats jump can help in removing cellulite.

3. Lose Weight:

Losing weight is the quickest way to eliminate cellulite. Most cellulite is caused by weight gain, so you can’t get rid of them until you lose weight. Adjusting your diet, regular exercises, and self-discipline to follow these routines can do the trick in losing weight quickly.

4. Quit Smoking:

Study shows that cigarette smoke decreases blood vessel flow, obstruct the development of collagen, and lets connective tissue to become stretched and sometimes damaged. For this reason, cellulite in your body becomes very visible. In order for your cellulite appearance to reduce, quitting smoking should be in your priority list.

Image by Christin Hume

5. Massage the areas:

Professional massage by a massage therapist is another effective way to reduce the appearance of cellulite and to get rid of it completely. Reason being massage helps in stretching the skin muscle. And if the skin muscle is stretched, the dimple in the skin will be stretched too. There are 5 different types of massage techniques that are known to be effective; they are the kneading, wringing, knuckle, ‘S’, and cellulite brush massage technique.

6. Eat less Carbs:

It’s no news that eating less carbs can help with weight loss, and eliminate fatty tissue from the skin. However, you must understand low-carb diet is not for everyone because your body need carbohydrate to function well, and it gives you lots of energy. Still, low-carb diet can be very healthy if manage properly, study shows it helps with high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases. Working-out often with very low carbs in your diet can cause fatigue, hence balance your low-carb diets with your workout routines. Will eating less carbs help to eliminate cellulite? Yes, it will, because it helps with weight loss.

Image by The Everlasting bond

7. Organic Creams:

There are organic creams that can help in the appearance of cellulite, some will gradually remove it when used regularly and with combination of the tips I mentioned above. Some creams are firming body moisturizer, and it will make your skin firm and smooth. Also, some are tightening cream, and that tightens and moisturize your skin. There is a link I provided above to harper bazaar that recommends all kinds of creams that can be used, and these creams can also be bought in amazon.


Some cellulite is impossible to remove due to genetics; However, these tips can help fade the appearance. It takes time and a lot of effort to completely get rid of cellulites. Cellulite caused by weight gain can be easily removed when you lose weight, and build your muscles by working-out. But don’t give up, I know how stressful and unpleasant it could be, strictly follow these tips and you will see great improvement.

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