Most Loyal
Image by Ana Paula Lima
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Not everyone is capable of giving or showing firm support or allegiance to someone. Loyalty comes in different perspective for different people, it doesn’t necessarily have to be related to relationship in most cases.
Majority of Astrologers believe that personality traits associated with some personal planets are usually loyal to their friends, family, and when committed in a relationship.

In regards to love and relationship, being loyal means total devotion and faithfulness to one’s partner. And all Sun signs are capable of this depending on their Venus and Mars signs.

This article will be focused on Sun signs that can be loyal in relationships, to their friends and family;

1. Leo:

Leo is known to be the most loyal sign. Leos are fixed, so they are set in their ways. Normally, they usually keep their word. Their word is their bond, they don’t make promises they can’t keep. Leos are misunderstood, and perceive to be self-absorbed, vain, self-conscious, but actually they are very humble and will make you a priority if you mean so much to them. They appear as self-absorbed, and very confident on the surface, but that doesn’t defined who they are. A Leo will defend their friends, family, and partner. They are not afraid to fight for who they love, so they will stand by you no matter what.

Most loyal sign
Image by Peter Lomas

2. Taurus:

Taurus is recognized to be one of the most dependable signs. They can be very loyal and grounded when they are committed in a relationship. They work hard, play hard, and values comfort. Taurus in relationships can be very possessive because they like to own things and sometimes people, and this trait can make them to be extremely loyal when they are truly invested in a relationship.

Tauruses are big on family, they love and fight for their love ones, this behavior can get in the way of their relationship/marriage, reason being they could side with their immediate family than their significant other. But at the end of the day, they try to make peace with everyone because they love a peaceful environment, and always seek for a harmonious relationship.

3. Scorpio:

Scorpios are very intense and confrontational than any other sign, so they have more direct approach to people or issues. They are friends you could have for a lifetime and will be loyal till the end. Scorpios do have a darker side, they can be pessimistic, suspicious and have the habit of probing something someone said and that can be annoying. In relationships, they are very loyal and devoted to their significant other and always will no matter what. They are jealous, and possessive, but that’s how they protect what they love and value.

Image by Peter Lomas

4. Cancer:

Cancerians are very protective of their love ones, and people they care about. They are very dependable, tender, and always give too much of themselves. In relationships, they can fall in love easily and be attached with their significant other, and will be devoted when that happens. Cancers can be your ride or die, and are partners for the long haul and have no issues with commitment unless they are uncertain of their feelings towards you.

5. Libra:

Libra may come off as being indirect, and non-confrontational, but they can be very loyal to the people they love and care about. They have a reputation for being untruthful due to their diplomatic nature, and harmonious personality to always seek peace with everyone. They actually mean well, and are harmless, their white lies are to create a serene environment.

Libra is ruled by Venus, and are known to love romance, and marriage. Hence, in relationships, they can be fully committed to the person they love and choose to spend their lives with. Their indecisiveness does get in the way of their love life sometimes, but with the right partner that can keep them grounded, they can overcome it.

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