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Why do men cheat? Generally, men don’t intend to cheat. Most of them are confused, and don’t know what they want. While some of them will make excuses of being unhappy.

Men cheat for these reasons;


Men with commitment phobia will do everything possible not to be in a long-term relationship. They are afraid of falling in love, so they communicate with as many women as possible to keep their mind busy. I have seen beautiful women constantly blaming themselves about their failed relationships, but it was never about them. A lot of men suffer from psychological issues, that they refused to deal with. It could be childhood abuse, mommy issues, heartbreak from his one true love, unrealistic expectation of having a perfect relationship like his parents, and the list goes on.


Men can be unhappy due to different reasons; people don’t wake up one morning and decide to be unhappy. Unhappiness it’s a negative accumulated emotion that takes lots of love and reassurance to get rid of. A man can be unhappy because he has been emotionally abused, so he seeks for peace and love somewhere else. He becomes vulnerable, and easy targets to seduce by thirsty women. Now ask yourself, do you emotionally abuse your spouse, boyfriend or partner? In some situation, abuse is not recognized by the abuser.

Constant nagging, accusation of things he did or did not do, sex-starved, lack of preparation of dinner like you used to, lack of praises and appreciation are all cases of abuse. If you find yourself doing one or all of these things, then you have to take a step back and refrain from them. Communication, and therapy are the best tools to fix issues like this. Is better to communicate with your significant other, than to punish and manipulate him.

Why do men cheat


If a man is not appreciated for all the nice things he does, the support he offers, he feels like a loser. The goal of every man is to make his woman happy, give his best and be her hero. So, lack of appreciation and continuous nagging can lead a man to depression, unhappiness and hence, push him into the arms of another woman. A little appreciation goes a long way, saying “Thank You” to your spouse for doing the laundry or making a delicious dinner can put a big smile on his face.


Some men easily get bored. Whereas, it takes forever for some to get bored. Spicing your sex life, and lifestyle occasionally is not a bad idea. Study shows vacation relaxes the body and mind, relieve stress and make people have lots of free time to communicate. Sex is one of the main and powerful elements in a relationship, that’s the fact. Thus, having an active sex life could keep a man interested, spice things up! If you are the type that’s accustomed to one position, now is the time to change things, be fun and adventurous, it doesn’t hurt.


How can he not be satisfied with me? That’s a question most women asked after realizing they were cheated on. They kept thinking that they go to work, take care of the kids, and do the domestic chores, and this is how he pays me? Most men are hard to please, they may not be satisfied with their needs. And they can be selfish when it comes to this feeling.

As I wrote earlier, his actions to cheat is not your fault, is a problem that he has and there is nothing much you can do about it. You can help him seek counseling; however, you need to understand that if he’s not willing to change, you can’t help him. Seeking professional help should be his idea, and he must have the zeal to work on himself and be willing to grow into someone responsible.


He is just a reprobate who takes pleasure in cheating, and hurting you. Cheating is a thrill for most men, he has always been that way, and he can’t change. Realistically, he’s mentally fine and doesn’t suffer from any psychologically issue, but he can’t help himself from feeling this excitement and pleasure. The worst part is, he probably does it with more than one woman.


It all comes down to the choice he made. There could be so many excuses to cheat, but communicating with your spouse about the problem, or seeking professional help to solve the psychological issues he has is the best solution. Cheating doesn’t fix the unresolved issues; it only makes it worse and could lead to separation or divorce of the union. So, seek help for yourself, and your partner.

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